Sunday, September 27, 2009

Broken Arm Day

We have two students in our class who have broken arms. We decided it would be fun to have a broken arm day and see what it is like having a broken arm. A lot of us thought it was tough and some of us decided to change our broken arm to the other arm so it was easier to write. We were all very creative with our casts. Some of us even used an old sock for our pretend cast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This must be the year of the broken arm. We had so many kids at school with casts that the school nurse decided she'd better have a list in the health office, so she asked all the teachers to email her the names of all students with broken limbs. We had three in kindergarten (one tripped on his own shoelace during a firedrill practice) and at least two in first grade as well as some in the upper grades.