Sunday, October 4, 2009

Apple Day

We had our Apple Day last week. We did several fun activities all involving apples. First, we wrote adjectives about our apples we brought in. Some of the adjectives we came up with were juicy, red, bumpy and smooth. Then we read a story about the little red house with no windows and doors. There was a secret at the end of the story. Maybe you know the secret: what is hidden in the middle of every apple? Our class also used water colored paints to paint our apple trees for our apple number stories. Then we tasted six different apples. Our class voted on gala apples for our favorite taste. Miss Herrmann, helped us make apple chains at the end of the day. We learned about the steps to grow an apple. First a seed needs to be planted, that turns into an apple tree, then a blossom grows and a bee comes to pollinate the apple blossom. Then the blossom turns into an apple. We had a great apple day!!!

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